Annual Research and Extension Reports
Research Reports
- Entomology
and Nematology
John Capinera,
" Terrestrial Invertebrate Herbivors: Grasshoppers and Land
Resource Use".
- Entomology
and Nematology
Robert McSorley,
"Nematode Population Dynamics, Succession and Community
- Geographic
Information System (GIS)
John Capece and Ted Meng,
"GIS-based Project Management System for Buck Island
- Hydrology
and Water Quality
Donald Graetz and Keneth
Campbell, "Hydrology and Water Quality at Buck
- Range
Jeffery Mullahey, George
Tanner and Ken Portier, "Vegetation Sampling in Water
Monitoring Sites at Buck Island Ranch".
- Watershed
Keneth Campbell,
"Decision Support System for Beef Cattle Production
- Wildlife
and Conservation Ecology
George Tanner and
Kimberly Babitt, "Microhabitat and Predator Pray
Relationships : Examination of Interaction Between Anuaran Larvae
and Aquatic Insects".
- Wildlife
and Conservation Ecology
Patricia Werner and
Jeffery Mullahey, "Biological Monitoring for Buck
Island Agro-ecology Study".
Extension Reports
- Extension
Presentation on Water Quality Monitoring at Buck Island Ranch
John Capece, Keneth Campbell
and Jeffrey Mullahey, "Extension Presentation on Water
Quality Monitoring at Buck Island Ranch".
- A World Wide
Web Homepage for the MacArthur Agro-ecology Research Center
John Capece, Morteza Mozaffari and Viatcheslav Abramov, "A
World Wide Web Homepage for the MacArthur Agro-ecology Research
2001 Southern