1995 Annual Research and
Extension Report
World Wide Web Home Page for
the MacArthur Agro-ecology Research Center
John C. Capece, Morteza Mozaffari, and Viatcheslav Abramov
Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
1. To establish an easily accessible storehouse of information related
to the MacArthur Agro-ecology Research Center (MAERC) at Buck Island
2. To enhance public awareness of activities at MAERC.
3. To facilitate the research and extension activities of participants in
MAERC projects.
Extension is an essential aspect of the Buck Island agro-ecology
initiative. As agricultural professionals and the general public gain
access to Internet, homepages on the World Wide Web become an increasingly
effective mechanism for disseminating research results and updating people
on university activities. Homepages also provide a means by which research
data, documents, maps, schedules, and other information can be easily
cataloged and shared by a widely-dispersed group of cooperating
Available MAERC documents were assembled and organized into an initial
homepage structure. The home page was constructed on a SUN Sparcstation 20
at the Southwest Florida Research and Education Center (SWFREC) in
Immokalee, Florida. Development of a local area network and establishment
of a high-speed Florida Information Retrieval Network (FIRN) line at SWFREC
permitted external access to the homepage.
A home page with the address http://arc.agen.ufl.edu/~maerc/index.html
is functioning at SWFREC. Its primary menu and a few example components
(Introduction, Experiment Protocols and Summaries, and GIS Coverages) are
provided as attachments to this report.
The homepage will be refined and expanded to better meet the research
and extension needs of the MAERC project, incorporating the suggestions of
other MAERC participants.
to 1995
2001 Southern