1995 Annual Research and
Extension Report
Hydrology and
Water Quality at Buck Island
Donald A. Graetz and Keneth L. Campbell
Department of Soil and Water Science
Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
1. Establish water quality monitoring stations on different land-uses.
2. Determine baseline water quality parameters from selected land-uses.
3. Develop tools for extending results to similar land-uses in the
Although numerous agro-ecological issues are being addressed at Buck
Island Ranch, water quality emerges as a central theme. This issue is being
fueled by concerns that cattle ranches and citrus groves may be
contributing to the deterioration of both surficial and ground water
supplies. The program at Buck Island Ranch provides a unique opportunity to
study this issue and to provide recommendations for remedial actions, if
Baseline water quality monitoring stations were designed and installed
on the following sites: 1) the existing citrus grove discharge, 2) the
planned new citrus grove discharge, 3) a discharge which represents
improved, intensively-used pastures, 4) a discharge which comes from native
pastures, and 5) a discharge from a wetland area. Grab samples were
obtained from the sites prior to installation of the automated stations.
All flow measurement structures and related monitoring and sampling
instrumentation are currently installed and operational except the citrus
grove site. Due to difficulties in determining the pump rating curve, that
site does not yet measure flow data. These installations have just recently
been completed due to the excellent work of the new field engineer, Lisa
Collins, hired by Archbold Biological Station. We have worked with her to
develop the data logger control programs for flow measurement and sampler
control, which she now has operational at East Marsh (wetland), West Marsh
(native pasture), Griffith Park (improved pasture), and the citrus grove.
We will now be able to determine water discharge rates and mass nutrient
loads leaving each of these locations on a continuous basis instead of only
nutrient concentrations from grab samples which we have been limited to
until now.
Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in runoff from the various land-use
areas, averaged for the period of January 1994 to March 1995, are shown in
Table 1. Although all concentrations continue to be relatively low, the
improved pasture area continues to have the highest nitrogen and phosphorus
concentrations. Total nitrogen concentrations ranged from 3.5 to 4.3 mg/L.
Most of this nitrogen was in the organic form as indicated by the very low
concentrations of ammonium and nitrate forms of nitrogen. Total phosphorus
concentrations were less than 1 mg/L - 0.13 to 0.63 mg/L. In contrast to
nitrogen, about 50% of the phosphorus was in the readily-available
inorganic form, i.e., soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP). Total phosphorus
concentrations for the improved pasture, native range, and citrus grove
runoff were slightly above the SFWMD regulatory limit of 0.35 mg/L.
Relationships between nutrient concentrations, land-use activity, and
rainfall are still being evaluated. There appear to be small seasonal
variations in runoff nutrient concentration which may be more related to
rainfall amounts than any particular land-use activity.
Table 1. Average (January 1994 - March 1995) nitrogen and phosphorus
concentrations in runoff from four land-uses at Buck Island Ranch.
Improved Pasture
TKN 4.26 mg/L
TP 0.63 mg/L
NH4-N 0.28 mg/L
NO3-N 0.13 mg/L
SRP 0.39 mg/L
Native Range
TKN 3.92 mg/L
TP 0.36 mg/L
NH4-N 0.13 mg/L
NO3-N 0.91 mg/L
SRP 0.23 mg/L
Grazed Wetland
TKN 3.51 mg/L
TP 0.13 mg/L
NH4-N 0.09 mg/L
NO3-N 0.60 mg/L
SRP 0.08 mg/L
Citrus Grove
TKN 4.19 mg/L
TP 0.43 mg/L
NH4-N 0.15 mg/L
NO3-N 0.89 mg/L
SRP 0.18 mg/L
1. The water sampling protocol will switch from grab sampling during
flow events to auto sampling and flow recording. This will allow
quantitation of nutrient losses (water and nutrient discharge and mass
loading) from the various land-uses for further evaluation of the
significance of nutrient losses. Data from specific flow events will be
characterized in detail to determine the relative movement of particulate
and soluble forms of nutrients from the monitored areas.
2. A GIS framework will be used to link together the FHANTM water quality
model being used for the beef decision support system with an existing
bahiagrass crop growth model. This will enhance the functionality of the
beef decision support system being developed under contract with SFWMD.
The senior author can be reached at:
Dr. D.A. Graetz
Tel: (904) 392-8474
Fax: (904) 392-3399
to 1995
2001 Southern