Grant Applications Summaries
Nutrient Dynamics
in a Sustainable Animal - based Agricultural System
Investigators: J. Capece, K. Campbell, D. Graetz, T. Bancroft, N. Aumen,
J. Holt, and M. Mozaffari
Submitted to: NSF-EPA Water and Watersheds Program
University of Florida, the Archbold Biological Station, and the South
Florida Water Management District propose a long-term research initiative
to study the nutrient dynamics, ecology, hydrology, and socio-economic
characteristics of subtropical wet prairie systems subjected to
animal-based agriculture. This research is to be conducted at the MacArthur
Agro-ecology Research Center on Buck Island Ranch in south-central Florida
near Lake Placid. Runoff water from this main cattle production region of
Florida drains into environmentally sensitive areas including Lake
Okeechobee and the Florida Everglades. Thus, in addition to advancing the
sciences of hydrology, wildlife ecology, soil chemistry, and systems
modeling, results of this research effort have the potential to
significantly affect an important national ecosystem restoration project
for the Everglades.
The project elements embodied in this proposal address all three
overarching research priorities set by the NSF/EPA Partnership for
Environmental Research, with those components being 1) ecological research,
2) hydrologic/biogeochemical research, and 3) social science/economics
research. In its original design, the subtropical prairie initiative
mirrors these stated priorities. First is a field experiment to study the
biogeochemical and hydrologic processes of the prairie system. Second is
the measurement of the biological implications of animal-based agriculture
on the prairies. Third is the development of component models to represent
both the hydrologic/soils processes and the economic implications of land
management alternatives. Fourth, is the integration of the component models
into a holistic decision support system.
The field experiments will seek to measure the effect of cattle stocking
rates (cows/acre) on water quality and landscape nutrient cycling. The
setting for this study consists of 2 grazing blocks (summer pasture and
winter range) with 8 plots in each. The summer pasture plots are 50 acres
(400 acres total) while each winter range plots are 80 acres (640 acres
total). There will be 4 stocking rate treatments (including a control of
zero stocking rate) with 2 replicates of each treatment. Surface water
runoff will be measured and sampled at flumes established on each plot (a
total of 16 instrument stations). Water quality analysis will focus on
establishing nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) loading rates for each
cattle stocking rate on summer pasture and winter range.
The proposal also seeks support for creation of the computer modeling
and economic valuation components of the project. Results from the field
experiments will serve as calibration and validation data for a new
decision support system (a GIS-based hydrologic simulation model with
economic components). In addition, a series of modifications to existing
models will be completed under this project: 1) simulation of phosphorus
interaction with the soil in adsorption/desorption processes, 2) simulation
of phosphorus release from decaying plant material, 3) simulation of the
addition of phosphorus by land spreading of manure, and 4) addition of a
nitrogen simulation component including transformations, storage and
movement with water. The resulting hydrologic model will be integrated with
a cow-calf ranching economic valuation model within a geographic
information system structure to create a more comprehensive decision
support system that will aid in evaluation of land management alternatives
for sensitive lands affected by animal-based agriculture.
This application seeks funds to match support provided by the
cooperating organizations. The cooperators are financing creation of a
field laboratory system, initiation of the nutrient cycling field
experiments, and development of innovative modeling approaches to ecosystem
processes and management. The biological monitoring component is funded by
the cooperators under separate contract. Funding for the initial design,
construction, and instrumentation of the experiment is also provided under
separate grants and contributions of the collaborators. NSF/EPA funds are
needed to support the various personnel requirements of the remaining
project components. These personnel needs include field instrument
maintenance, data collection, laboratory analyses, and computer modeling.
2001 Southern